Have you ever had one of those days when you could turn to the other side of the bed and cover yourself to the top of your head with your duvet/ blanket?
Maybe you’ve had several days like that within this month alone and thought, “What is the point of even leaving your home to go and face the unexpected day.”
We all find ourselves in one of those moods and days, some more than others.
When life is not necessarily going downhill but just gloomy, you question what the point of everything is and would rather stay in your quiet corner without no disturbance or sadness. You may even justify your every right of staying in that corner.
Still, know that you’re not alone. Those days are inevitable and can sometimes catch us all by surprise. You can still acknowledge and feel those days, yet don’t let them defeat you. Instead, choose to rise and refine the purpose of why you do what you do.
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